My morning routine
I’ve never been a morning person, but over a period of time I have trained myself to start my morning with a routine that helps me setup for the day. Now I must admit, not all my mornings are early but regardless of when I wake up I make it a point to start my day with this routine. The routine consists of guided meditation and affirmation where I start off my day by reciting a few mantras and then remind myself of some of the teachings of Guru Gopal Das and Dandapani that have resonated with me. I am still a work in progress and in no way claim to have mastered all of their teachings but being reminded of them at the beginning of my day, everyday helps me focus on the things that really matter.
Be the best version of yourself
If we did all the things we are capable of, we would literally astound ourselves - Thomas Edison
We are here for a limited amount of time, think about the future version of yourself, whether it’ll be able to look back and say That was well worth it, I wouldn’t have changed it for anything? You might not always end up where you expected, but did you get somewhere better and did you give it your best shot with absolutely everything that you had?
- Know yourself, know your goals, hold yourself accountable and strive to grow every day. The more we know about ourselves, the more power we have to be better.
- Small daily habits are powerful reminders of where you want to go. Positive affirmations, clear visualisations, and staying focused on your goals keep you energised. Sure, some tasks are dull, but they’re stepping stones toward something bigger. It’s all about training your mind to make those habits a part of who you are - eventually, they become second nature and shape your future.
- You are one of your kind, your perspective, shaped by your experiences, is unlike anyone else’s, and that gives you a special edge in solving problems. The world needs your ideas and creativity, so don’t let limiting beliefs hold you back. You have something special to offer, and it’s worth pushing beyond any boundaries to unlock it.
Increase your standard of living
Life is finite, decide on what and with whom you want to spend it.
- Zero in on what truly counts—your life and connections. Cut out the noise, and draw a clear line between instant and delayed rewards, between what drives you from the outside and what pulls you from within, between fleeting pleasure and enduring joy. Pleasure, often rooted in the senses, is transitory and somewhat restricted, while joy stems from aligning with your true self and has a more lasting impact.
- Starting new things is exciting and fun but finishing what you have started can be a long drawn out process. It is very easy to lose interest and move on to something else. Keeping your goals in mind, eliminate distractions, refine your focus and learn to stay with a problem long enough to solve it. Keep your awareness on one thing for an extended amount of time, persevere and finish what you start.
- Have a plan. Planning for now and later, set up a schedule, and stick to it. It’s like giving yourself the power to design your life the way you want. At the end of each day, if you’ve stuck to your plan, you’re a bit closer to your valued goals.
Go with the flow
- Adapt and adjust to obstacles coming your way. Instead of saying ‘I can’t do that’ ask ‘How can I do that?’ or instead of ‘That’s just the way I am’ ask ‘How can I be different?’ A statement closes the mind but a question opens up the mind. Persevere, be flexible, be like the river ganga that finds its way to its destination in spite of all the hurdles that come its way.
- Rather than worrying about things outside your control, focus on the things you control and strive for excellence within your circle of influence. The positive energy we exert will cause our circle of influence to expand.
- See challenges as opportunities - Situations and circumstances are out of your control but how you respond to those situations is completely in your hands.
Don’t live the life of “I”
Pursuing personal well-being is a worthwhile goal, however it can have an even greater effect if it is done with the goal of helping someone else.
- Instead of trying to get something from the world, consider what you can offer. When you approach life with a mindset of offering rather than taking, people are more likely to connect with and appreciate you.
- Notice the good. It sounds cliché, but taking a moment to recognise what’s going well — even if it’s something small, helps you stay positive. Instead of starting the day thinking of what you lack, focus on what you have. It’s probably a lot.
Find real peace
Learn to be comfortable while being uncomfortable, like a lotus rising unstained from muddy waters, embodying purity and resilience.
- In stressful situations, notice when your instinctive mind takes over, driving emotional reactions of anger or fear. Silence can be powerful when your ideas are challenged - pause and reflect before responding.
- Detach from the issue at hand; you are not defined by it. Distance allows you to think clearly and separate emotions from your true self.
- Zoom out and learn to let things go. Remember, at the end of the day all you are striving for is to be free (mukt) of sorrow, anxiety and fear - to be in a tranquil state of well being, so before getting into an argument or fighting over a position think whether it will lead you towards freedom (mukti).
Now, these might seem like lofty practices that don’t feel natural and are well beyond your immediate reach but the key is to aim high, change the way you talk to yourself, and persist in your daily routine to make things happen. The practices that I have shared didn’t come naturally to me, but with belief and consistency, you can reprogram your subconscious mind. It’s important to remember, though, that knowing something and fully embodying it are two different things. The reality you’ve lived for years won’t change overnight. Progress can feel slow, and at times you may doubt if you’re moving forward. But true transformation takes patience. Be kind to your present self—it’s the only thing that can take you to your future self.